About the program
MentorMe Houston is a collaboration of mentors who meet regularly with students in the Houston area - we are united to provide connection, support, training, and accountability for one another during the mentoring journey. MentorMe is a partner ministry/program of The Church At Network.
What's the commitment?
We are investing in the next generation through a regular time commitment in a school near where we work or live, and collaborating with other mentors. The ideal commitment is to give one hour per week during school hours to a student or students, with the intention of maintaining the mentor relationship(s) for more at least one year. However, this can be established on a person-to-person basis - the important part is establishing a consistent rhythm with a student.
What does it mean to be a mentor?
Mentoring includes but goes far beyond educational tutoring. It entails a deeper commitment - getting to know your student as a person, teaching them to be an upstanding young man or woman, and addressing behavioral & life issues as they arise. This may very well include focusing some time on a particular educational subject to further their lives - such as reading - as we often find that some behavioral problems can be attributed to a student's being far behind or feeling incompetent in the classroom. The mentor relationship should over time become a safe place for a student to be vulnerable about their issues whatever they may be, and experience growth & healing.
Become a Mentor
Interested in mentoring a student in a local school? Send us a message to learn more about our program, values, and process - or contact us directly at 832-387-6303 (ask about MentorMe) or mentorme@churchatnetwork.org.