"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all
have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ,
and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ
according to the grace given to us, let us use them..."
Romans 12:4-6
Find a community
We gather collectively for worship on the first Sunday of each month as the Network - many expressions coming together as a larger community to experience unity, fellowship, and worship with others outside of their individual church. We believe that God's mission has a Church, and that this larger coming together is very important to the unity of the Church. Our partner churches meet at their own times throughout each week in their respective locations in the city - some in houses, others in ministry-specific locations. Find one and plug in, or reach out about starting something new - we desire to plant simple, multiplying micro-churches.
House Church
A simple, Bible-inspired gathering - experience life in intimate community. Share a meal, fellowship, scripture reading & discussion, and worship.

Gatherings on Tuesdays from 6-8pm | 8383 El Mundo St. APT 505
Hosted by Darren & Kristen Harroff
Click to call for more detailed directions, or to connect if
it's your first time!
Children welcomed - please let us know in advance if it's
your first time!
Mission 24
Mission24 is a group of people who follow Jesus. You can
call us a church but we prefer the term "Body" or "Family".
Our Vision is to serve the campus so that the campus will
serve the world! We meet near the University of Houston
campus. While we are a Christian group, we welcome students
and others of all faiths to come visit/join us!

Gatherings on Sundays @ 4:30pm | Riverside UMC Gym - 4920 Cullen
Hope House Houston
Hope House has been committed to the restoration of Kashmere
Gardens to God’s intended design. This has been through
programs like the After School Tutoring/Mentoring, Boy
Scouts, Bible Studies, and the ongoing commitment of a group
meeting together as Kashmere Gardens Fellowship Church.
Community Transformation through the Gospel of Jesus
One Life, One Family, One Neighborhood at a time.

Gatherings on Sundays @ 2pm as Kashmere Gardens Fellowship
4701 Lockwood Dr. Houston, TX 77026
What We Offer
We desire to plant simple, multiplying micro-churches. We also offer these case-to-case services and resources intended to serve you and your ministry. Interested in starting something or learning more? Send us a message.
Media (Free Options Available)
Website development & hosting
Identity Branding & Consulting
Graphic Design & Prints
Training & Coaching
leadership training
discipleship training
Spiritual development
Online Donor Processing
Budget Consulting
501(c)(3) Tax Covering