


COVID-19 Update

Due to COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings, we will gather virtually until further notice. Please subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of this page to receive weekly links to our Sunday gatherings and Wednesday Bible Studies.

Houston city skyline

Many Expressions
One Church

House Church Graphic

House Church

Interested in leading a simple house church?

Hope House After School Flyer 2019

Hope House
After School Program

Hope House is looking for volunteers for their after school program! If you can commit any time to serve, click to send a message!

Find Co

The Church At Network is a church community in Houston, TX, gathering around God and seeking unity & wholeness in the body of Christ through an interdependent network of micro-churches.

You're Invited

Join us the first Sunday of each month as we gather together for worship, teaching, fellowship & a meal.

First Sundays | 4:30pm | Riverside UMC Gym

About Us

Our heart at the Church At Network is to unify the church in a refreshing way that echoes back to the early church (Acts 2:42-47) - simple & reproducible church gatherings, breaking bread, sharing resources, and gathering together as a larger body. 'Church' is not a building, service, or organization - it is US (1 Corinthians 3:16). We strive to BE the church. With this understanding, we aim to connect existing local churches as well as plant simple micro-churches, embracing unique histories, passions, and identities while gathering around God together as a unified and diverse body.

The Church At Network is not a 'parent' or 'umbrella' organization, but instead a collaboration of autonomous local churches to seek and worship God together while participating in an active, relational culture of unity, simplicity, collaboration, sharing, and empowerment of every believer. We are a network of churches being the church where they're at.

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